Mission Statement
The Colorado Athletic Trainers' Association, Professional Development Committee, is dedicated to providing educational opportunities to all CATA members.
The CATA will use their BOC provider number for CEUs at planned events with the Vice President’s approval.
The committee will recruit qualified health care providers to speak and participate in CATA CEU events.
The committee will inform CATA membership in a timely manner of all events either on the website or with mailings, via eBlasts or social media.
The committee will work in conjunction with the Corporate Sponsor Liaison to include vendors at the events.
A budget will be set by the BOD and the finance committee. The finance committee will follow all budgetary guidelines to host the events. Every effort will be made to keep costs reasonable for CATA members.
Committee Members

Lisa Chenoweth
Committee Chair
Athletic Trainer
Eagle Crest High School

Will Adams
Committee Member
Associate Director, Sports Medicine Research
United State Olympic Committee

Matthew Key
Committee Member
Director of Rehabilitation/Assistant AT
Denver Broncos

Jason McWilliams
Committee Member
Athletic Trainer Supervisor
Cherry Creek School District